
Fitness and Nutrition

A Nutritious AND healthy mind

When our body doesn’t get the proper nutrition it will start to weaken our mind. When we are malnourished and dehydrated we become weak and can not think properly. Slowly overtime when we feed our bodies the improper nutrition it stagnates in our body creating dis-ease. What many people overlook is the affects of improper nutrition on our mind. Every macro and micro-nutrient that goes into your body works together with every cell and neuron. Every vitamin and every mineral has it’s own special part it plays in making sure that you are functioning at your very best.

Nutrients play a huge role in our ability to critically think. In our reaction times. In the way we treat ourselves and others. The word “Hangry” was not made up for no reason. People get anger when they are hunger and lose the ability to think clearly. Why? Because you are running low of fuel and obviously your body is pretty mad about it. How are you supposed to make any sort of decision, let alone do anything important when you’re hangry? Same goes for when you are dehydrated. A lot of times people don’t even realize they are dehydrated. People tend to think they are hungry when in fact they only need to drink more water. The bottom line is that nutrients affect our mind more than you know.

Exercise. Another huge impact on our brains. Our bodies crave physical activity even though sometimes our conscious minds say, “NOPE!” Every heard of the expression, “You’re only a workout away from a good mood.”? Well, that’s because exercise is by far one of the best things to do for your body to feel instantly freaking awesome! Exercising releases endorphins. Endorphins trigger happy thoughts in our body. When people talk about a runner’s high, they are talking about the extreme amount of endorphins that is released into the brain when running long distances. Dopamine is also released into the brain during exercise. Dopamine is a chemical released by nerve cells that plays very important roles in our brains and body. Dopamine is directly related to our ability to be self-motivated.

I hope that you now know how truly important food and exercise for our brains. With proper nutrition and exercise we are able to take back control of our over stimulated minds.