

Stillness. Do you know what this is? Our body and our mind crave it. Side effects from not having it can lead to Anxiety. Depression. Ruminating. Regrets. Addictions. Fears. AND STRESS. All these things deplete our quality of life. Meditation is one thing that can help us take back control of our lives and live our best qualify of life. Even 5 minutes a day can improve your quality of life for the better. Work your way up to 20 minutes a day of meditation, and watch your life significantly improve.

How to meditate:

  1. Dedicate a quite place that you can meditate uninterrupted. This means no interruptions by your spouse, kids, animals, text messages, phone calls etc.

  2. Find a song at least 5 minutes for your meditation. For longer session you may put together playlists or find meditation specific music that lasts longer.

  3. Lay out a blanket. If it is large you may fold it in half for extra cushion and comfort. Take a pillow large enough for you to sit on comfortably, and set it on top of the blanket.

  4. Sit cross legged on the pillow. Sit with your spine straight. If you are unable to sit, lay down with the pillow under your head.

  5. Lay your hands on top of your knees or in Mudra position. If lying down you may lay your hands at your sides or in Mudra position at your sides. If you are using a Mala hold the Mala in your left hand on your lap or on your stomach if lying down.

  6. When meditating. Breath deep and slow through your nose. Hold for 2 seconds and exhale slowly.

  7. Repeat this breathing throughout your meditation.

  8. Focus on your breath. Slowly breathing in. The 2 second hold. Slowly breathing out. Repeat.

Having trouble sitting still?

Tips: Imagine a balloon filling each time you breath in, and image the balloon releasing the air when you breathe out. Don’t like balloons? Imagine a bubble filling and popping. Use your imagination when it comes to imagery and meditation. Imagery can greatly improve your meditation success rate.

*consult your physician before starting any kind of health and wellness practice