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Stress Management and Arts

Whether it is through writing, video, dance, photography, theater, sculpture, painting, or architecture, we are continuously creating as humans.

We are constantly creating. We crave art. We were created to create.

A simple, yet over looked stress management tool is the ARTS.

Painting awakens our visual senses in such a way as to make us see color, shape, light and form in amazing new ways. Painting makes demands on our senses rewarding us with challenges and delights that only painting can provide. Painting, with its “all-at-onceness,” more than any other art, gives us the time to allow our vision to focus.

With sculpture the concept of “all-at-onceness” does not apply. Sculptures can be viewed in three-dimension. As we think about a sculpture we build it in our imagination’s eye. Sculpture is perceptible not only by sight, as with painting, but also by real and imagined sense of touch.

Architecture is great hollowed out sculptures. Architects enfold an inner space for movement as well as perceive the centers of space in nature, and build to preserve these centers and make them more vital. Architecture is a creative conservation of space. Architecture creates strengthened hierarchy in the positioned interrelationships of earth and sky and what is in between.

Photography is an extremely powerful art capable to alter our concept of reality. Photography is an art with multiple capabilities. It can simply preserve a moment in time by recording reality or give us different perspectives. Photographs have the power to tell a great stories with just a single image.

These are just some of the ARTS that we can use to help in managing our stress. I encourage you to find an art that you find a release in. Keep the artist inside well fed and thriving while combating stress.

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