

Yoga on the brain

Albert Einsteins unified field theory has shown us that all points (energy and matter) connect and significantly affect everything in the human entity: mental, emotional physical and spiritual aspects. Since everything is connected we can use Yoga as the ultimate mind/body connection practice. When we focus the mind, the mind calms itself. When the mind calms itself amazing things happen. We have less anxiety, our depression weakens, and our emotions have less of a hold on us. Overall we begin to live a better quality of life.

Popular myth is that Yoga is purely a religious practice, and that is just not true. Yoga has become so Westernized that we are now literally doing Yoga with beer and goats in hand. This is not what Yoga was intended for. Yoga has and always will be a mind/body connection practice. When you focus on holding your beer or goats are jumping on you, you are not focusing on your breath and posture. Where your energy goes, your focus goes, and where your focus goes your mental health follows. In Yoga you are exhausting the brain of all the little overactive jumping beans. You’re literally draining it of all that built up anger, anxiety, sadness, regret or whatever it may be that you are holding onto. You’re able to let it go with Yoga.

If you have never tried or practiced Yoga I suggest you start now. There is an endless amount of YouTube videos to help you get started in Yoga. There are amazing subscriptions sites that you can join. Some of my favorites are and If there is a studio near you I suggest you visit. Become familiar with the teachers and start living a better quality of life.