— Story —






Art has always been apart of me my entire life. In college while working towards my Bachelors in Health and Wellness I realized the profound impact art and creativity have on our entire well-being. In school I discovered the Wellness Mandala. This mandala would represent our entire well-being and symbolizes the connectivity of everything within our body and soul.

The meaning of the word mandala in Sanskrit is circle. The Mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol, representing the universe. The circular designs symbolize the idea that life is never-ending, and everything is connected.

I believe that art is an extreme force with an amazing positive impact on our total well-being. We can achieve optimal wellness through mindfulness, nutrition, fitness and art. I encourage everyone to live this creative lifestyle.

Wellness Mandala


Natural Born Artist

Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness

NASM (CPT) Certified Personal Trainer

NASM (FNS) Fitness Nutrition Specialist

AFAA Sunshine Yoga Certified